Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Vegas Pt.8

Through to day two with 79,300. Day one went very well and I'm pretty hopeful going into tomorrow. My table looks tricky with a Swede who final tabled in 2004 and a Swiss guy who has had plenty of cashes throughout the world. The latter has a nice stack with the former going into the day short. I'm not overly concerned about table draws at this point, it's out of my control. I'll have to face good players and big stacks throughout so I'm neither happy nor unhappy with the table I've drawn. One positive is that I'll go into the table as chip leader.

I have no idea what to expect/hope for tomorrow. I had a roller-coaster on day one so I may get more of the same on day two. I just have to play each hand as best I can and make good decisions throughout. Good decisions, stay focused and remain confident, if I can achieve these three things throughout tomorrow I'll be happy.

And again a bit of good luck would be nice :)

I have the same plan as the night before day one, tonight. A meal, a cirque de soliel show and then off to bed early. It worked as good prep for day one so would be delighted if it helps me perform well again tomorrow.


Mellor said...

ship ship Gary

smurph said...

best of luck, fingers and toes crossed for you.

Colette & Martin

Pabloh said...

Keep it going Gary!!! You may get your photo up on the Jackpot wall yet...